Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Autism Walk

Hello! This Saturday my coworkers and I are doing a 5K to support Autism. I thought I would mention the website in case anyone is interested in joining or donating. We have been doing fundraising at work and we as a DownEast outfitters team are ready to "kick it" this weekend! Can't wait!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


My Post tonight is short. The above pictures are of Aubrie eating her dinner. She pretty much just ate an entire jar of olives. My question tonight is - so are olives considered a vegetable? Because man if they are, I rock as a parent!

Monday, April 7, 2008


Hello everyone! March turned out to be a very busy month for us indeed. Aubrie is officially 2! It was so much fun to celebrate her birthday. I took her to Princess on Ice the week before- it was so cute and I am not sure who loved it more her or me. We had family parties to celebrate her big day and she just loved opening presents- talk about spoiled! Then less then a week later was Easter and Aubrie enjoyed the Easter egg hunt up here at the U a lot more this year, especially since she understands what exactly candy is and how it tastes. My little sister Becky is engaged! It was a quick one- the date keeps changing but right now it is in May? Congrats Becky and Zak!
We are busy as ever , thankfully I am back to working only one job so and the semester is almost over. I know that Brent cannot wait- (he is not the only one!!!) I have included a few pictures of our month- hopefully this month will settle down.