Hello everyone! March turned out to be a very busy month for us indeed. Aubrie is officially 2! It was so much fun to celebrate her birthday. I took her to Princess on Ice the week before- it was so cute and I am not sure who loved it more her or me. We had family parties to celebrate her big day and she just loved opening presents- talk about spoiled! Then less then a week later was Easter and Aubrie enjoyed the Easter egg hunt up here at the U a lot more this year, especially since she understands what exactly candy is and how it tastes. My little sister Becky is engaged! It was a quick one- the date keeps changing but right now it is in May? Congrats Becky and Zak!
We are busy as ever , thankfully I am back to working only one job so and the semester is almost over. I know that Brent cannot wait- (he is not the only one!!!) I have included a few pictures of our month- hopefully this month will settle down.