We made it! We are back in Utah. It has been so great to see people we actually know! I wanted to write about the trip out here. First my wonderful friend Amanda thankfully gave us a ride to the airport (thanks again Amanda) then we saw friends from our ward that missed their flight and got to come with us. Notice I said "got to" Whitney?! We had a layover on the way, but the 1st plane ride was fun. It was a very small plane and this being Aubrie's first flight- it made it more exciting. The stewardess had her "help" her. She had Aubrie ask all the passengers if they had trash to throw away and collected their trash. She even got tips! The girl made $3.50
Then as we were landing the stewardess announced that she was grateful for Aubrie's help and everyone clapped. Aubrie says, "Hey thats me!" it was hilarious and so memorable. Can't wait to see everyone and we are so excited for Christmas.
books read in 2015
9 years ago