Sunday, December 20, 2009

This Halloween Aubrie decided that she was going to be Snow White. So we found a Snow White dress and all of the other items that make Snow White who she is (i.e. red bow, red slippers, etc...) As you can imagine, we watched Snow White the movie over a dozen times. After one of these occasions, Aubrie decided that she was going to act out the near ending seen where Snow White eats the apple and falls. Fortunately, Julie was close by with the camera and grabbed a snap shot just as the seen ended. We are proud to present to you the blond Snow White in action.


Heather B said...

Congratulations on the pregnancy news! I'm sure Snow White is excited too!

Anonymous said...

We've have joked about signing Eliot up for some theater classes. Looks like your Snow White could join him.

Bonnie said...

Our little drama Queen! I love your new blog Jules!