Friday, January 16, 2009


Sorry that I haven't been much of a blogger lately (Judith, Mom, others....) Life is starting to settle down again and I promise to be better about posting - like once a week or so- Here are a few holiday pictures. It was so fun to see a lot of you during the Holidays, it also made us appreciate our friends and to enjoy this adventure here in Philly while we can.

Here is us taking down Christmas decorations when we got back- Aubrie was devastated about having to put her "boots" away for a whole year.

Happy New Year!!! We had a rockin' time at the Holt's house.

I love that my family will still do silly things with me- here is a bubble blowing contest. I think that is my favorite part of Christmas- just hanging out with family!

Here is our "white elephant gift exchange" my parents do this very nonformally and no one was told a specific number to bring- we ended up with 66 presents -thats right I said 66! There were only about 19 of us so the game was insane!!!


Bonnie said...

Oh boy. You should have posted the picture I got of YOU blowing bubbles. You are much cuter! Thanks for posting, we had such a great time with you for Christmas! (My house is way tooooo quite now)

Julie, you are the life of the party. We miss you and love you all so much!

Love, MOM

Erika W said...

Glad you made it home safe! It was so much fun hanging with you guys. Hope it won't be too long before your next trip out!

Lindy said...

Sounds like a fun trip! I'm glad to hear that you might have missed Philly, even just a little. We actually felt a little "Utahsick" this year, if you can believe it. Don't tell anyone, okay :) ?!