Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentines Day Tag

In honor of VALENTINES DAY, Adrienne "tagged me" and my job is to answer these questions about Brent and I. This is really funny to do and it might just get me in trouble if Brent actually reads this...

1. What is your husband's name? Brent Cameron Dawson

2. How long have you been married? Almost 5 years (scary!)

3. How long did you date? Not long enough!!!!!!!!! Only 4 1/2 months (I do NOT advise this to anyone!)

4. How old is he? 27 (yes he is younger than me.

5. Who eats more?Brent definitely hands down

6. Who said I Love You first? Brent, and he was really ticked that I didn't immediately say it back.

7. Who is taller? Brent (thank goodness because man do I LOVE my heels)

8. Who sings better? Well Brent is louder, but I tend to not be as tonedef (sorry sweetie!)

9. Who is smarter? You really want me to answer that? Brent is going to have so much schooling of course he will be. Ha Ha

10. Whose temper is worse? Mine - Mine - Mine I defintely can lose it. Usually with just a few choice words and then I feel much better. Brent never gets mad. In the 5 1/2 years I have known him I think he has yelled like once.

11. Who does the laundry? Me - I hate it but you need to wear clean clothes to look cute right? Wouldn't it be nice to send your clothes out to the cleaner? Yes all of them....

12. Who does the dishes? Both of us, when Brent is home he really does help with things around our place- I love it!

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Brent- it is by the window and I get cold. Plus I get up first and it is easier not to have climb over him.(the other side is also against the wall.)

14. Who pays the bills?Me - When would Brent have time, plus I am the one that spends the money!

15. Who mows the lawn? What lawn- ha! Someday when we do have lawn I am sure that Brent will (hint hint Brent!)

16. Who cooks dinner? Me and I enjoy this - Brent can cook and does if he is around.

17. Who drives when you are together? Brent well actually I should say that my "backseat" driving counts as driving so it is me after all.

18. Who is more stubborn? Me no question.

19. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Brent- he is a sweetheart, I am a brat- need I say more? I can and do admit when I am wrong it just never happens....

20. Whose parents do you visit the most? This is blank for a reason- I don't want to start a fight!

21. Who proposed? Brent

22. Who has more friends? I keep in contact with more people and definitely talk on the phone to friends more than Brent.

23. Who has more siblings? I do.

24. Who wears the pants in the family? Again, I don't want to start a fight but I think that anyone who knows me knows the answer to this one.

Okay so there are the V-day questions. I am now going to "Tag" some friends of my own. Lindy, Bonnie, Becky, and anyone else that feels so inclined.... I would like you to answer these questions and send them ASAP!


wackywilsons said...

THis was a great blog...I thought you were super sweet about Brent..if anything, I learned what a great guy you married!

That sharpie incident...stinks! I know what you are going through..does Mr. Clean help at all? What sort of discipline did you do...hopefully she doesn't do it again! Ever!

Send pics of your new hairdo!

Mel said...

I love those question and answer things. So great!! I want to see pictures of your new hair too. And lets get together one of these days. You could come visit me and see my new place maybe.